You Are … and I Am

While hiking along the base of this amazing rock formation in Sedona yesterday, my prayer time shifted in this direction.  I hope it adds to your worship on this Good Friday. There are plenty that I’ve missed – please feel free to add your favorites in the Comments section.


You are the Rock. I build my house on you. Help me to build well.

You are the Artist. I am your masterpiece. Help me to hold still while you paint.

You are the Word. I am the listener. Help me to understand.

You are the Lamb of God.  My sin is covered by your blood. Help me to sin less.

You are the Bridegroom.  I am a small part of your bride. Help me to love you faithfully.

You are the Way.  I am a pilgrim. Help me to stay on the path.

You are the Savior. I am the saved. Help me to point lost people to you.

You are Almighty God. I am a worshipper.  Help me to worship in spirit and in truth.

You are the Good Shepherd. I am a wandering sheep. Thank you for finding me.

You are the King. I am a citizen of your kingdom. May your kingdom come through me.

You are the High Priest. I am the one for whom you intercede. That amazes me.

You are the Master. I am your slave.  It is my joy to serve you.

You are the Potter. I am the clay. Shape me as you wish.

You are the Bread of Life. You satisfy my hunger. Help me to hunger for you.

You are the vine.  I am a branch. Help me to bear fruit.

You are the Crucified One. I have been crucified with you. Help me to die daily.

You are the Resurrected One. Thanks to you, I will live forever. May I never take that for granted.

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About Sabbath Thoughts

My name is Mike Gaston. I serve on the Member Care team for Converge International Ministries, am a happy husband, a spoiled father of two daughters, a proud grandfather, and a pursuer of the benefits of intentional, regular, contemplative, Christ-centered rest. This blog will allow me to share thoughts about Sabbath, as well as thoughts about God and the Christian life that come out of my restful Sabbath moments.
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3 Responses to You Are … and I Am

  1. Sharon says:

    You are the Water of Life, a well of water springing up to eternal life. Help me to live this truth with joy today, and with eager anticipation regarding my future with you.

  2. Greg says:

    You are the Light of the world. I was once darkness but now I am light in the Lord. Help me to walk as a child of light.

  3. Ryc and Laurie Norman says:

    You are the Strong Tower, a place of refuge, where I am able to find comfort, peace and rest in the midst of the storms of life. Where I can be lifted above and see Your hand in and on my life.

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