What Kind of Father Am I?

When I was in fourth grade, I had a scuffle on the school playground and was sent to the principal’s office.  I remember few of the details of that day, but I do remember a deep sense of shame. I hadn’t lived up to the Gaston name.  I was the third Gaston to attend Welby Way Elementary School, and my two older brothers had set a pretty high behavioral bar.  I doubted that either of them had EVER been sent to the Principal’s CCE00000office, and I dreaded my parents’ disappointment in me.

You just learned a lot about my mom and dad.  They succeeded in the mission of every parent – they created a loving dynamic in our home that inspired their four boys to do all we could to make them proud, and to dread ever letting them down.

387688_2782066114963_935424695_nNow it’s my turn.  I’ve been a father for 24 years, and a grandfather for almost three months.  I am the proud dad of two amazing young women, and the obsessed grandfather of the cutest baby boy on the planet.  What kind of father am I, and what kind of grandfather am I going to be?

In his devotional book Pierced by the Word, John Piper gives me something to shoot for.  He tells the story of John G. Paton, a missionary from Scotland in the mid-1800’s, whose godly and prayerful father inspired him to think “He walked with God – why may not I?”

In his autobiography, Paton describes the day he left home to begin his studies in Glasgow.  His father walked with him for the first 6 miles of the 40-mile walk to the train station, encouraging him and praying for him every step of the way.  When they reached the parting point, his father offered one last prayer and word of encouragement, and young John walked on alone.  At the next corner, he turned for a final wave goodbye, then rounded the corner and stopped by the side of the road, overcome with emotion.

I hope I never forget his description of what happened next.  “Then, rising up cautiously, I climbed the dike to see if he yet stood where I had left him; and just at that moment I caught a glimpse of him climbing the dike and looking out for me!  He did not see me, and after he gazed eagerly in my direction for a while he got down, set his face toward home, and began to return, his head still uncovered, and his heart, I felt sure, still rising in prayers for me.  I watched through blinding tears till his form faded from my gaze; and then, hastening on my way, vowed deeply and oft, by the help of God, to live and act so as never to grieve or dishonor such a father and mother as He had given me.”

I learned years ago, as does every parent, that I can’t control my children.  But I can influence them, and in fact I will influence them, by the way I live out my faith in front of them.  My commitment to godliness is no guarantee that they will respond the way John Paton did, but along with loving their mother, it is the best gift that I can give them.

IMG_9531What kind of father and grandfather do I want to be?  The kind whose kids and grandkids can say, “he walked with God, and he made it look so good that I want to walk with Him too.”   Would you pray for me to be that kind of man?  I will gladly do the same for you – in fact, I’ll be praying about this on my next Sabbath hike, so let me know if you would like to be included in that prayer time.

About Sabbath Thoughts

My name is Mike Gaston. I serve on the Member Care team for Converge International Ministries, am a happy husband, a spoiled father of two daughters, a proud grandfather, and a pursuer of the benefits of intentional, regular, contemplative, Christ-centered rest. This blog will allow me to share thoughts about Sabbath, as well as thoughts about God and the Christian life that come out of my restful Sabbath moments.
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11 Responses to What Kind of Father Am I?

  1. Judi Wells sparling says:

    I have the same story as you., so will you please pray for me that I will be the that kind of grandmother too. It has really been on my heart lately to show how wonderful to walk wilt God as I was.

  2. Laurie Henry says:

    Oh yes….I will pray for you and please include me in your prayers on your Sabbath walk!!! GTY!!

  3. Steve Rowe says:

    Of course my heart resonates with your desire, Mike. Yes, let’s bring our common desire before the LORD, the One who put that desire there, because He is in us to will and to work for His good pleasure.

  4. Karen Fogerty says:

    I so enjoy all of your blogs, especially when you talk about your parents and your family. I hold your family dear to my heart, and keep you in my prayers.

  5. Cristina Stanisci says:

    Dear Pastor Mike,
    thank you for your blog. I just enjoy so much reading it and the last post has encouraged to continue to be a faithful mother. And thank you for your prayers, as we continue to pray for you, your family and your ministry.

  6. Pingback: What Kind of Father Am I? | marriedmanstrail

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